Friday 2 March 2018

It make no sense to me

I don't know about you, but as a kid and even now when I do something I like, I want to do it a lot. If I go on holiday, I want to be there for at least two weeks. The idea that someone might suggest - You know what, you should consider just going for 3 days, it'd be so much better. Strikes me as being daft.

As a kid at scouts, the scout leaders might have taken us to the local woods and said... "Okay lads, the last few weeks we've been coming over here and playing run-outs for an hour and half, from now on we're going to make it so much better we're going to play run-outs for 15 mins and then go back to the scout hut. Does that make sense?

What about changing the format of football to make it better? Let's play it so that as soon as there's a goal, the games finished - first goal wins with a maximum of 15 minutes, that would be so much better wouldn't it? Can you see where I'm going with this?

It baffles me that if you like something you'd do less of it. I love cricket, for me 50 overs games at the weekend is fine, 60 would be an improvement, any more than that would probably be limited to the very middle of summer for a few weeks? But hey more cricket, even just for those 2 weeks either side of mid-summer - I'm up for it! 70 overs anyone?

But the idea that it needs to be reduced to encourage kids to play is bizarre. Do you think that kids would agree with a proposal to have their time spent on mobile phones and XBOX games reduced to improve the experience would go down well with them?

Do you know what - instead of playing PUBG for next 8 hours, just play it for half an hour - you'll be so much better at it.

Or - Get off your phone, your life will be so much better for it. What kid is going to buy into that, or most adults for that matter! If you like it, you're going to want to do more of it, in the same way that I believe the more I play cricket the better I'll be at it. I'm sure there are many a cricket expert who will agree to that same principle providing it is done in a way that is productive and beneficial. People say things like "You need more time at the crease in order that your batting improves". Everything seems to point towards the fact that if you enjoy something - football, run-outs, holidays, gawping at your phone living your life vicariously through others experiences, on-line games like PUBG, the more you do, the better you'll be. So the idea that by doing less of it - that's somehow preferable and more attractive?

I surf, and when I was younger I was likely to give it a go most times of the year. March was the worst - south coast UK in march the water bitterly cold with a biting northerly wind - wholly unpleasant, but the intention was to be in the water as long as you could and catch as many waves as possible till the point you became so cold it was physically impossible to do so any longer. At no point did I think the whole thing could be enhanced by being shorter - it completely negates the point of surfing - the more you do in all sorts of conditions, the better you'll be. The key thing here you have to understand is I liked  surfing (Still do), so no matter what the weather or the conditions threw at me, it wouldn't stop me, because it was something I wanted to do. So how the hell does the argument in cricket at the moment - that the shorter a cricket match is, the likely it is going to attract kids and keep people playing the game? The only conclusion you can draw is they just don't like cricket that much. 

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